Sunday, June 28, 2009

heeemmm another dilemaa

heeeiii my baby blog . miss you soo much . haha sudah lama tak corat coret disini . hihi

okeeee i will tell you sommething . now im single HAHA . isn't that great huh ? haha okeee first of all . now i found someone new . okeee i never meet him . but we often texting by message or facebook . oke his name . niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt i can't tell you . haha i have his number from my friends boy . so first , i send him a message , and then , we keep contact until now . haha im so happy , because of him , i cant a little bit forget my ex . haha im soooo happy . anddddd

OK, I confess I fall in love with him, but you have a girlfriend boy, it made me, can't fall in love with you, . I realize, I did not want to damage the relationship of others, because I know how it seems our relationship was destroyed by other people. it is very painful, so I do not want to destroy other relationship. but i dont know boy, I love you. I fear this will turn into love. so help me god.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PAIN -__________-

gue gag pernah ngerasain sakit yang sesakit ini , sakit yang bener2x . cuman FERNANDA EKA PUTRA ajah yang bisa bikin gue kayak gini . udah banyak malem yang gue lewatin sambil nangis dan makan nyam2x . oh my . i swear its really hard for me . dia ngediemin gue udah sekitar 3mingguan . gue minta kepastian tp dia gag pernah ngasih kepastian . gue anggep putus tapi ya gue masih sayang banget sama dia . tapi gue gag bisa . gue harus bisa tahan rasa ini . biar aja , mudah2xan dia bisa bahagia sama yang lain . tapi gue tau , itu bakalan jadi susah banget . dan pasti gue gag rrelaaaaaa . yampun . from now and on , gue anggep , gue udh putus . udah selesai 311008 . huaaa gue ampe ke warnet saking setresnyaaaa . -,- yampun . gue ngetik sambil nahan nangis . karena gag munkin juga kan yah gue nangis di tempat umum begini . ya allah mudah2xan ini bisa jadi yang terbaik . yampun . i will survive , tapi pasti mungkin lama banget . tapi mudah2xan deh !
dan ini kata2x yang selalu terngiang , haha terngiang

CINTA , cinta itu ketika kita melihat orang yang kita sayang bahagia , mungkin itu sekarang yang lagi aku rasain ke kamu nanda . yang aku pengen kamu bisa bahagia , kamu bisa dapet seseorang yang bisa membagi canda,tawa,sedih,sakit,dan bahagia .

mungkin itu bukan aku , dan pasti itu bukan aku , walaupun aku berhara orang itu aku .
aku harap kamu bisa selalu bahagia DENGAN ATAU TANPA AKU !

itu aja yang selalu kebayang sama gue . yaudalah . mungkin emang ini yang terbaik buat dia , walaupun ini bukan yang terbaik buat gue . apa salahnya kan berkorban buat orang yang kita sayang . dan gag ada penyesalan ,di hati gue . emmm .

big lovvveeee : MEIDINA NOOR ANNISA

Thursday, June 11, 2009

gabisa belajar -_______-

ihihi gue tadi berantem lagi doong sama my bf . haha (kok bangga?) yaaa gatau deh . mungkin emang gara2x dah jadi kebiasaan gtu gue berantem sama dia ? hemmmmm mau belajar kepikiran . gag belajar , jadi bego ntar gue gabisa ngerjain ukk . hemmm jadi ya nulis blog aja sambil belajar dan nyanyi2x . haha daritadi gue terus bersenandung lagu nya elliot yamin , sama daniel powter . haha mungkin sesuai sama suasana hatu gue kali yey . jadi meloow begini deh gue daritadi . pas mandi aja ya gue sambil tereak2x nyanyi . sampean my father dengerin tv mpe kencengggg bener . hahaa mav yaa my father . haha ini deh gue kasih tau lirik nya daniel powter

You know i'm hoping you sing along
I know it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again
When you do, you need a friend
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left for me
And i hate to thought of finally being erased
Baby that's the best of me

yaaa begitcuh lah kira2x . hahaa lagunya asik deeeehhh . mang bener deh nanda maybe thats my best . fufufu my nanda my nanda . ko yaaa bisa gue mpe jd teramat sangat sayang sama lo ? ckckck padahal yah lo udah nyakitin gue . ckckck love is blind deh bener2x . ahha tp gue gamau gitu dibuatain sama cinta . huhuhu mungkin ini karma kali yey . dulu gue suka nyia2xin co yang udh sayan sama gue . -.- huhu mavkan saya yaaa mantan2x . aku gag bermaksud . im really2x sorry . okeee (dimavin nisa katany) okee makasih ya . haha maksa deh gue .
orang2x pada bilang , gue tau nis apa yang lo rasain sama nanda . tapi gag lo semua salah ! elo semua gatau apa2x . krn lo semua ya gag ada diposisi gue , dan elo semua BUKAN gue ! huuuhhh jadi emosi ! gue kangen deh sama my nanda . dah 2minggu kita gag ketemu . dan dalam 2minggu ini kita selalu aja berantem . cape bener deh berantem mlulu gue sama dia . udah gue coba segala macem hal gitu buat ngerubah suasana . tp ttepppp aja . marah2x mlulu ama gue . sensiii iii iiii banget gitu sama gue . ADA APA DENGAN GUE ? hemmmm setres bgt ini gue . binguuung

my bloggy udah dulu yaaa tatut ketauan mama . oke bye mowah :*

big big love : meidina noor annisa


[Verse 1]

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
& I'm wishing that you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go? You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone,
Girl you could have stayed
but you wouldnt give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more then I can stand
And all my tears they keep running down my face
Why did you turn away?


So why does your pride make you run and hide?
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you wanted to be


So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

[Verse 2]

It's been a long time since you called me
(How could you forget about me)
You got me feeling crazy (crazy)
How can you walk away,
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is & it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me, your still in love with me
Don't leave me crying.


Baby why can't we just start over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But your telling me it wont be enough


So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you


So why does you pride make you run & hide
Are you that afriad of me?
But I know it's a lie what your keeping inside
Thats not how you wanted to be

Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing I do


Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

I'll Be Waiting.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


huaahaha my dearso bloggy , daritadi gue yaa joget2x gajelas gitu . haha seneng banget gituuuu . haha
okeoke let me tell you . tadi kan gue sms nanda gitu , gue mintaa putuuus . haha hebat kan gue . hihi teruuus gag dibales2x . ngamuk deh gue , minta dibales . nah dibales ehh you know dia bales apa ?
huahahaha mowah my baby boy .

sebenernya gue juga masih sayang gitcuh . bangetbanget . tapi ya kamu galak sih . hihi apa deh gue . yang jelas kayaknya gue gajadi putus lagi deh . haha

thats all folks deh kayaknyaaa . haha
bye my dearso bloggy , mau belajar lagiii . hihi

big big love NISAYANGNANDA . :)


heeyyy my dearso bloggy . hemmmmm gue gatau deh harus mulai darimana ;( sumpaaaaahhhhh . huaaaaaaaa

I HATE FERNANDA EKAPUTRA ! i realy mean it !
oh my god , im start to cry . okeee tears are runnin down my face , its good ! because i dont know whatelse i can do . i want to shouteddd loudly , that i hate nanda !!!!! huaaaaahhh oke let me tell you what happened to me .
first, at i dont know what time when he called me. and then with big smilee on my face , i answered that phone , and then foalaaaaaa rain fell down , dan gue yaa harus ngangkat jemuran , gue gatau deh bahasa inggrisnya apa itu -,- . daaaann olalla gue bilang deh sama dia .
'yangg ntar telp lagi yaaaa oke'
he said : 'iyaaa'
and then yaaa i called him back , and no one answred the phone , just tut tut tut . okeeeee i hung up the phone . and then many2x hours later , i called him back , and then he answered the phone , here its our conversation .
me : hallo
nanda : iyaaa
me : kenapa gag telpon balik ?
nanda : apaan ?
nanda : gag telpon apaan sih ? (dengan nada marah2x dan menajiskan)
me : yaa kenapa gag telpon balik ?
nanda : diaaaaaammmm
me : kamu kenapa sih ?
nanda : diaaaammmmm
me : hallo
nanda : IYA ! (kembali dengan nada yang begitu)
me : kamu kenapa sih ?
nanda : diaaaammm
me : HALLO ! (mulai kesel)
nanda : iyaaaaa
me : kamu kenappp TUT TUT TUT TUT TUT

dan FYI,sebenernya conversation gue sama dia yang bermula dari gue ngomong hallo,kenapa sih , itu berulang2x sampe akhirnya dia matiin,dan itu cuman gue persingkat aja , cape soalnya nulis ngulang2x gitu. okeeee coba kasih tau apa ada orang yang gag kesel digituin ? ha ? cobaaaaaaa harus sesabar apalagi sih gue ? kalo lo lagi ngetest kesabaran gue . please udaaaahaaaaannnn . gue udah gag tahan lagi ! im dying right now ! gue sayang lo ! tapi ya gue gatau lagi harus kaya gimana kalo harus terus kaya gini !!!

im a human ! i have my limit patient ! okeee im not a robot !

coba deh yaaaaaa lo disana bisa berfikirrrr . THINK MAN THINK ! sberapa sakitnya gue diginiin ! mungkin yaa semua temen2x lo pada berfikir lo tuh ANGEL ! co SETIA !oke, GUE TAU LO SETIA ! tapi kalo SETIA begini ! apa gag jadi sama aja kayak lo ngeduain gue ? lebih baik gue di duain , biar sakit nya selesai hari itu juga .! dan langsng putus , kalo kaya gini ? gue tetep disini berharap dan berdoa lo slalu sayang gue ! tapi kenyataan nya diluar sana gue gatau ! gue gapeduli lo kaya gini mau lagi ada masalah apa engga tapi sekalipun lo lagi ada masalah apa HARUS GUE DIGINIIN ? yampuun gue ngetik ini blog aja sampe pake satu jari , air mata gue jatoooh mlulu ! I CANT STOP RIGHT NOW ! ya allah .
sumpah gue udah gatau lagi deeeehhhh . GATAU . bener2x gatau !
haaahhhh . anjjjsss banget deh ! i cant think ! harus diapain sih hubungan gue ama dia ? ha ?


sebentar yaaa gue cuman mau nyoba apa gitu gunanya tulisan label for this post haha .

b o r e d = BORED

huaaaa saking bosennya gue yaaaa gue gatau gituh mau ngapain . mau bermain facebook , bosen . mau nonton eureka belum mulai , mau belajar malesssss pelajarannya itu loh . bhs jepang wtf bgt deee , pelajaran apa itu . bhs indonesia aja gue masih balelol , you know balelol ? haha itu bahasa sunda , dan gue juga ngerti artinya . hhaa pokok nya gitu de yah . dari dalem kamar gue , kedengera banget nyokap gue tereak2x .
'neeeeeengggg belajar!'
braaaak , (
pintu kebuka)
huaaaaaaa setressssss gue . makin gajelas aja pikiran gue deh mau ngapain . daritadi gue cuman liatin onlineshop dari facebook,dan gue pengen bgt tu sepatu,dress,kalung, huaaaaaaa gue perhatiin aja sambil ngebayangin nyeeeeemmmmmm . dan daritadi gue berharap dari layar laptop gue keluar DUIT tapi yaaaa, gag kunjung2x dateng (yaiyaaaaalaaaa) . huuffttt gue pengen bgt dehhhh sumpaaaahhhh . hemmmm . udah bosen gini , gue sms my bf gag kunjung2x dibales jugag . haaaaa makin bosen aja gue . kayaknya dari sunday ke sunday lagi .
biasanya my nanda yang bikin my life jadi colorfull , tp sekarang kayaknya dia yang bikin my day jadi BLACK deeehhh . huiiiiiii . ahhhhhh you know what blog ?
i think i have weird feeling again deh , emmm even weirder malah .
huaaaaa mudah2xan deh yaaa my feeling is wrong , amin amin . jangan sampe terjadi . haha okeee im getting bored writting , and i just dont know whatelse that i should write . okeee
byeee bbyblog , oyaaa by the way , follow me yaaa on my twitter , just klik on this link .


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


hoaaammmm ngantuuuk bgt deh gue . tapi as usual i cant sleep -,- padahal ya mah . dah ngantu bangeeeettt . hhi tapi ntar aja gue lagi suka nonton eureka . ada yang tau eureka ? itu tuh film dari star world gitu . ni yaaa gue uploadin gambarnya aduuh lemot yaaaa yaaaaa.
taraaaa ini diaaa

hihi itu diaaa deeeh yaaaaa filmnya . haha that i still watching right now . ahaha

heeemmm bo the san banget deh gue . oiaaaa ampir lupa deh yaaaa . gue mau cerita tentang my boyfriendd mowaah . haha actually his name is NANDA . okeee

we dated since 31 oct 2008 till now . hihihi and it has been 7 month 1 week and 1 day . hihi i loveee him so much deh pokoknyaaaa yaaaaaa .
semenjak bulan ke 7 gue sama dia udah kaya yang sama2x bosen . sampe sekarang -,- but i believe that he still loves me and i still love him muchomucho . huhu
but maybe ini waktu kita lagi pengen sama2x sendiri , enjoy our life .
and you know what what de what what , sejak 2 hari yang lalu gue sama nanda have no communication at all . hemm -,- how great is it ? hemmm every night and when i remembered him i just start to cried ;( hummm . but since i noticed 'it'
i just start to make myself stronger . heeemmm and i never cry. i just start to think possitively and trust him . emm maybe thats silly , to stay in a rel that what i should called it . heeemmm yaahh pokoknya begitu deh . i dont know i just LOVE him so mucho .
hihihi so read this carefully .

if you dont need me , i dont need you either
if you LOVE me , i will LOVE you with FULL of my HEART.
from now and on , i just try to learn DO WHAT YOU DO . and this is not a revenge oke ;)


tuesday im bo to the red . bor ed . -,-

hell to the O my dearost blogg :)
hehhe , i usually post my blog at the night , but this timeee i think i really really need to tell you blog what happened to me -,- huhhhhh SIAL BANGET ! AMITAMIT .

sial banget gue , ulangan matematitit . fufufu sialsial . udah gue kemaren privat sama temen gue yang super pinter itu . hendro and io they are sooooo nice . they taught me patiently . hihi thankyuh yaa my friend sudah menyusahkan mu . haha back to my story . iyaa jadinya udah dengan giatnya gue belajar . ehhh tetep aja deh gitu soalnya melenceng jauh dari apa yang udah gue pelajarin . dan saudara2x ibu2x bapak2x siapa yang punya anak bilang aku , dari 30 soal yang ada , gue cuman bisa ngerjain 10 soal . haha clap your hand for mr obama , hah me actually . haha dan yang lainnya , yess youre right , i cheated . hihi luckily my friend ratna and io mau ngasih tau gituuuuuuuuuu . ahha :) thankyuh yaaaa . mowaaah :* oke back again to my story , iyaa dan terusnya yaaa udah selesai deh tuh MATEMATITIT . Sekarang ke pelajaran SENI .huaaaa ini lagi gue gag ngertiiiiiii . pake kuncikuncian , abcdef . apa baeeeee daaah kalo kata putri mah . haha
anddd you know what lagi , saya kembali mengarang bebas hahah . karena FYI temen saya yang nmanya RISMAN DIA PELIT SEKALI ! DIE AJA YOU DIE ! . -,- (ngambek gag dikasih contek
) yaaiyaaalaaahhhhh ngambek . terus yaaaa akhirnyaaa gue kembali mengarang bebas with my partner maman a.k.a mamen haha dia tu yaaahhh dari kelas 1 duduknya dibelakang gue mlulu , jadi jawabann gue sama dia gag beda jauh gitcuh deeehhh . huahahha .udah deh ngumpulin
pelajaran ke3 . bhs indonesia . hehhehe mau sombooong ahhhh gancil banget soalnya . huahaua yaiyaalaa secara gitu yey . itu soal ulangan harian kemaren . jadi hapaaaalll jawabannya . hahhahaha dalam beberapa menit gue dah selesai . hahha

okeeeeeeee selesaiii deehh perjuangan gue selama UAS tadi .
okee bye my dearso bloggg mowaah ;*

Monday, June 8, 2009

weeeiiiiirrrddd feeling -,-

hell-o my dearso blogg :)

heeeemmmm gaenak banget rasanya punya perasaan yang kita gag tau . apa yang kita rasain ? hah ? ngerti gag lo ? hemmmm so lately i've been feeling so weirddddd . i thought that i bored with my bf , buutttt i dont want it . hah makin jadi gag ngerti yaa ? hah gatau deh gue juga gag ngertiii .abisnya our rel itu gajelas banget deeh . jarang banget berhubungan , smsan puun jarang . telponan angot2xan bikin gue males . haaahhhh gue gamau perasaan ini gue sayang nanda , cuman dia .
cha bilang : gue mesti cari selingan
gue bilang : gue gag bisa dan gag akan bisa , yang gue mau nanda !

ndy bilang : mungkin dia lagi sibuk dengan kenaikan kelas kali nis , buktinya tadinya kan dia yang bosen sama lo , tp ttep aja dia mau baikkan itu artinya dia sayang sama lo .

gue bilang : mungkin kali yaa , gue gamau de ah ganggu dia dulu , tapi gue jadi ngerasa gag berguna deh ndy -,- hemmmm serba salah

baby if you have a problem you can share with me ,i'll be ready for you 24 hours.
i'll be your ears to listen
i'll be your shoulder to lay on ,
and i'll be your happiness to cheer you up :)
i love you*

Sunday, June 7, 2009

hooooaaamm :o

hello my dearest blog ..
haaaahh . i feel soooooooo sleepy . but i have to study , haaahh very very malaaass rasanyaaa . tomorrow i will do my exam . haaahhh hopely i can do my best deeehhh . heemmmm . haahhhh huuuuuhhhh i dont know whatelse to do deh , im so lazy to study PKN . nyeehhhhh ngapal lagi ngapal lagi . hemm bad moood mode : ON bgt deh . gatau mau ngapainn lagi jadinya nulis blog aja de ah . text my bf failed mlulu . esiaalaan emang deeee . sms jam segini failed mlulu .
this is his last message
'kamu juga ya sayang met belajar. jgn mikirin aq mlulu .yang bener kalo ngisi jawaban . love you'
haaaaaaaaaaaaahhh feel soooo full of energy deh jadinya buat belajar . haha MISS YOU DEH !

okeee my dearest blog . bye i want to study again . heeuuuhhh


i have nothing to say . hemmmm let me think , haaaahh i cant think ! just hello maybe , mowah